Tuesday, April 16, 2019
No Sale, but Lots of Exposure
So, I didn't sell either work at the Jackson District Library Community Art Show at the Carneige Branch. That is okay. I wasn't focused on selling as much as I was on showing. I'm just getting back into painting after years on hiatus. I'm getting my footing again and there will be other shows...I hope. I need to keep creating. To keep pushing myself to see what else I can do. I've been watching online videos of painters painting. Some are very helpful. Others, not so much. The library said the event was popular and they want to do it again in about six months or so. I bought more frames at Michael's so my work will be hang ready. Now to create more work to have to hang.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Dropped Artwork Off at the Library
Just returned home after dropping off my two paintings to the Carnegie branch of the Jackson District Library. The paintings-- "Community" and "3 Cherries" are oil pastels I created over the course of a couple hours this past week. I'm proud of my work even though it feels unfinished. The colors in both paintings could be richer, deeper and with more contrast. Even so, it's a start back to the art world--a world in which I am free to express myself in any carefree manner I chose. Right now I have support from friends and acquaintances for my artwork. I feel as if my work is evolving--getting better the more I do it. Kind of like my writing. The more I write, the better I get. Well, maybe not. I feel like I am not free to create in the writing world. I feel like I've gone as far as I know how in writing. I want to get better, but how? Like my artwork it will take study to get better. I can watch technique videos on pastel oil painting and apply those techniques to my work. How can I get better at writing? Should I read more? Absorb technique through osmosis? I don't know what will help me write more better. :) See what I did there? I just know I will continue to struggle along and hope to goodness I get better at writing and art.

Sunday, April 7, 2019
Community Oil Pastel

Thursday, April 4, 2019
Back to Art 2019
A few years ago I gave my oil paints away because I had had enough with trying to create something visually that people wanted to buy. I gave up. Now, I have renewed interest in getting back into art as a way to calm my raging soul. Well, okay, so my soul isn't raging, but I just thought it sounded more dramatic than I miss creating.
I've been in a slump with my writing since 2018 was the punch-to-the-gut year of rejections left and right. Every rejection I received came with a personal note to me from the editor or agent as to why they were passing on the project. All pointed out strengths in the writing and what they liked, but when they pointed out the flaws it sent me into a tailspin. I want my writing, like my art, to be perfect. I'm seeing just how far from perfect that I am. I don't like seeing my non perfection.
I wish things were different. I wish someone would have picked up my books--yes, books. I wish I would have sold more art so I would feel like continuing. I've come back to it, but will I run away again if all is not perfect? If I'm not selling? I think as long as I am selling I will continue with art, but that cannot be true because I am beginning again and not selling yet. I'm riding high on the anticipation of future sales. (I wouldn't put too much stock into future sales. Isn't just the exercise of creating a piece payment enough?) It should be but it isn't.
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